Saturday, December 5, 2009

Soak in the Health Benefits of Himalayan Bath Salt

For many women, bathing is an act of cleansing for the body and the spirit. The tub is a great place to escape, if only for a few moments, the day-to-day stresses of work and family. Women wanting to add something exotic and beneficial to their bath water often choose Himalayan Bath Salt, known for its appealing pink crystals and rejuvenating properties.
The Bath Salt That’s Purer Than Sea Salt
Millions of years ago, the sun dried up the primal sea and left the mineral-rich crystals we know today as Himalayan salt. Hand mined from deep within the Himalayan Mountains, Himalayan crystal salt is the purest salt available on the planet. Covered in snow year round, the pristine environment of the Himalayas protects the salt from the pollutants that too often permeate salt from the sea.
Use Bath Salt to Energize and Detoxify
In addition to its purity, there is another reason health conscious women enjoy making Himalayan Bath Salt a part of their bathing ritual. Containing all the elements found in the human body, this special bath salt has all-natural replenishing power stored within its crystals. Its bio-photon content is stored energy that releases when mixed with water, rejuvenating both mind and body. Soaking in the bath salt also draws out toxins, soothes tired or damaged muscles and eases tension - something many women say is the greatest benefit of all.
"After an early morning workout at the gym and a long day at the office, I’m beat," says thirty-two year old Cynthia. "My legs tend to cramp up at night, so I ordered Best of Nature Himalayan Bath Salt online and gave it a try to see if it would help. I was thrilled with how well it worked!"
"My legs felt so much better, and so did my skin,” she continues. “It felt really soft. Now I use it all the time and I come out of the tub really relaxed and ready to go. I can’t recommend it enough."

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