Saturday, December 5, 2009

Experience The Living Culture And Tradition Of Himalayan Kingdom Of Bhutan

Bhutan being the Buddhist kingdom and enjoying numerous festivals and has different names according to the types, the best and the biggest event is called "Tsechus". Tsechus are festivals extolling the great deeds of Guru Rimpoche, taken place on the 10th day of the month, which is meaning the word Tsechu. The Tsechu displayed annually in different occasion in all the districts, Dzongs and Monasteries, special religious places in the villages to commemorate the religious victory over the evils. During these festivals, many people will gather from the surrounding countryside with their best out looks. The Tsechu celebration will be celebrated for several days, between three to five days according to the location. The dances are performed by the monks and laymen. The performance of the dances are similar to one region to the another region. Certain Tsechus end with the hanging a huge religious paintings which are called ‘Thongdrel' meaning "by sight losing the sins or will be delivered from the cycle of rebirths". Some Tsechus end with ‘wang' meaning the verbal blessing given by the high monk and colored threads are then distributed which the people tie them around their necks as witness to the blessing. Some Tsechus start by ‘me-wang' meaning ‘blessed fire', as the people jump over a fire that burns away their impurities. Atsaras are clowns whose expressive masks and postures are in indispensable element in any religious festival. They confront the monks, toss out salacious jokes, and distract the crowd with their antics when the religious dances begin to grow tedious. Atsaras are believed to represent the Achariyas, religious masters of India, they are the only people permitted to mock religion in a society where sacred matters are treated with the highest respect. For a few days, these popular entertainers are allowed the freedom to express a formulaic challenge within an established framework that does not, however, upset the social and religious order.
For the Bhutanese, religious festivals offer an opportunity to become immersed in the meaning of their religion and to gain much merits. They are also occasion for seeing people, and for been seen for social exchanges, and for flaunting success. People bring out their finest clothes, their most beautiful jewels and they take out picnics rich with meat and abundant alcohol. Men and women joke and flirt. An atmosphere of convivial, slightly ribald good humor prevails.
Sangay Choxang, Managing Director, Asian Adventure Travel, Thimphu Bhutan,

1 comment:

  1. Great posts on this blog. I'm on my way to Dhaka and will be needing all the information i can get because I will be staying shortly in Bhutan, I need to be able to gather knowledge as well as pictures. Thanks for sharing. Your article was a real brain massage.

    call Bangladesh


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