Saturday, December 5, 2009

Salt Lamps - Natures Beautiful Gift to Us

The Himalayas are one of the worlds last undisturbed treasures, maily due to their remoteness and extremely harsh climate. They are also one of the most un-polluted areas of our planet and are rich in pure mineral salt deposits. Millions of years ago, as massive climactic changes took place, these changes combined with geological forces to create salt crystal rocks of unparalleled purity deep below the Himalayas. It is from these deep underground mines that Himalayan rock salt is now extracted in a very traditional and eco-friendly manner.
Only the highest quality salt crystals are suitable to be made into lamps. When mining the salt crystals, explosives are strictly prohibited to preserve the structures of the crystals. Lamps are then carefully crafted by hand to retain the unique, beautiful, and natural shape of the rock. The result is a rare crystal with beautiful colors ranging from off-white to apricot and warm pink. The warm glow of the lamp beautifies any room in the house or office. As the lit bulb or a tea light warms up the lamp, healthful negative ions lift off from the surface and help to cleanse and improve the quality and freshness of the air you breathe.
Salt Crystal Lamps are ideally suited for daily use in both the house and work place. The lamp will minimize the effects of the electro-magnetic radiation that bombards us daily from things like microwave ovens, tv's, mobile phones and the whole array of electronic gadgets that most of us possess. They beautify the surroundings of your work area, improve your concentration and refreshe you by neutralizing the effects of an artificial environment. While most ionizers on the market are man made machines, the Salt Crystal Lamp is a beautiful alternative of Mother Nature, silent and ozone free.
If you would like to know more about these beautiful salt lamps then why not visit my website at You

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