Saturday, December 5, 2009

All The Secrets About The Himalayan Goji Fruit

There is a new fruit on the market that is turning heads due to the fact that it has amazing nutritional benefits that are seen no where else. It's commonly known as Himalayan goji and it gets its name from it birth place deep within the mountains of the Himalayas.
So we know where goji comes from but what makes it so special? Why is everyone talking about goji and the secret properties it carries with its name? Well that answer can be attributed to one thing, longer lasting and higher quality life. Goji berries contain one of the strongest antioxidants out of any fruit and vegetable in the world. So you might be thinking, I don't need that, I eat enough fruit and vegetables everyday and I'm absolutely positive that I acquire enough antioxidants to keep my body healthy. Do you really?
I mean in this day and age people are consistently consuming more and more saturated fat in their diets than ever before. We're living in a world of fast food and where taste is becoming more important then the overall health of our bodies, we don't care what goes in, as long as it tastes good. Therefore it's possible that you are getting the required amount of antioxidants into your body, but for the majority of us this is not true.
So coming back to Himalayan goji, the antioxidants inside goji berries is believed to be so powerful that it is used as a way of fighting cancer and there have been many cases reported where patients have attributed their recovery from cancer to the consumption of goji berries. This of course has not been tested so I am not going to tell you that goji berries are the cure for cancer. You must go and see your doctor first and ask some questions about goji.
So what else is there to know about Himalayan goji berries? Well in Asia it has been used as a form of natural healing for anything from cuts to burns even as a form of natural fertility remedy. Scientists won't say that goji has any of these properties, because of course it hasn't been tested yet. This does not mean it doesn't work. If people have been using it for centuries effectively then there's a pretty good chance that it does!
So where can I get some goji? Don't worry you aren't going to have to travel all the way to the Himalayas to pick up some goji. It has become a very popular form of nutritional supplement in the West and is likely to continue growing in popularity over the next decade or so. Most Asian supermarkets sell Himalayan goji related products so you shouldn't have trouble finding some. If you don't know where the closest Asian supermarket is then all you have to do is jump online and order some. In fact you're more than likely going to save money buying online anyway.

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